 | Designing Sustainable Supply Chains |
The project aims to optimise the design and maximise re-use of products and materials in different supply chains, to help reduce the use of resources and the amount of waste. |
 | GreenPREG: Innovative Green Fibre Composites |
The GreenPREG project aims to develop a production process for a novel type of Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) with significantly increased recyclability and lower environmental impacts compared to traditional FRP and other alternative materials |
 | High Temperature Solar-Heated Reactors for Industrial Production of Reactive Particulates - SOLPART |
 | CSEF: Centre for Sustainable Energy Use in Food Chains |
 | 4CU: A Coordinated, Comprehensive approach to Carbon Capture and Utilisation |
 | BIO-MIMETIC: New Bio-inspired Processes and Products from Renewable Feedstocks |
 | GLUELESS: Petrol-based Glue and Energy Consumption Reduction in Diapers Production Processes |
Petrol based glue and energy consumption reduction in diapers production processes |
 | Highly Efficient Ovens (HEO) |
 | Green Metallurgy |
This project is developing light-weight magnesium-based structural elements that can be used in place of automotive parts made of steel or cast iron. |
 | BIOCHEM: Eco-IP Partnership for Driving Innovation in the Sector of Bio-based Products |
BIOCHEM has developed a toolkit for SMEs in the bio-technology sector |
 | PUrE Intrawise: An Integrated Framework for Improving Sustainability of the Indoor Environment |
The aim of the PUrE Intrawise consortium is to develop an integrated decision-support framework for more sustainable management of indoor pollution associated with the provision, conservation and use of energy in buildings. |
 | SPRIng: Sustainability Assessment of Nuclear Power: An Integrated Approach |
This consortium project has developed an integrated decision-support framework for assessing the sustainability of nuclear power relative to other energy options such as fossil fuels and renewables. |
 | CCaLC: Carbon Calculations over the Life Cycle of Industrial Activities |
CCaLC is a carbon fooprinting tool that enables quick and easy estimations of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions along the whole supply chain. |
 | PUrE: Pollutants in the Urban Environment |
Pollutants in the Urban Environment (PUrE) has developed an integrated decision-support framework that enables more sustainable management of urban pollution. |

 | Life Cycle Environmental and Economic Sustainability Assessment of Solar Hydrogen in China |
This project will evaluate the sustainability of solar technologies for hydrogen production in China |
 | Sustainability Assessment of China’s Electricity Sector for Carbon Neutrality |
This project will identify sustainable electricity options for 2050 carbon neutrality in China. |
 | Sustainability Assessment of Negative Emissions Technologies in Malaysia |
This project aims to identify sustainable negative emissions technologies for Malaysia. |
 | Sustainability Assessment of Technologies for Energy Saving and Recovery in the Food Industry |
This research will identify sustainable options for reducing energy use in the food industry |
 | Reduction of Industrial Energy Demand Through Sustainable Integration of Distributed Energy Hubs |
This project aims to reduce industrial energy demand through development of sustainable energy hubs. |
 | Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Bioenergy Options for Turkey |
This project aims to identify the most sustainable bioenergy options for Turkey. |
 | Dynamics of Saltwater Intrusion in Porous Media |
The key goal of this project is understand processes controlling seawater intrusion aiming to reduce |
 | Sustainable Options for Micro-Polygeneration Systems in Remote Communities |
This project aims to identify sustainable micro-polygeneration technologies for remote communities. |
 | Optimising the Environmental Sustainability of the British Diet |
The project aims to minimise life cycle environmental impacts of different diets in the UK. |
 | Sustainability Issues in the Food-Energy-Water Nexus |
The main aim of this project is to identify sustainability issues in the food-energy-water nexus and to make recommendations on how energy, water and environmental impacts from food production and consumption can be minimised. |
 | Life Cycle Sustainability Management: Towards Eco-Efficient Confectionary Supply Chains |
The aim of this project is to identify eco-efficient solutions for the confectionery products sector, taking into account life cycle environmental impacts and economic costs of different product categories. |
 | Improving Sustainability in the Food Service Sector |
This project seeks to identify opportunities for improving sustainability in the food service sector by reducing environmental impacts and improving socio-economic benefits along supply chains |
 | Life Cycle Sustainability in the Baby Food Sector |
The aim of this project is to assess the sustainability of baby food production and consumption. |
 | Identifying Sustainable Electricity Options for Chile |
This project aims to identify sustainable electricity options for Chile by assessing the sustainability of current and future electricity technologies appropriate for Chile. |
 | Sustainability Assessment of Shale Gas in the UK Energy Market |
The aim of this project is to assess the sustainability of shale gas in the UK and how this could impact the domestic energy market |
 | Sustainability Assessment of Wastewater Treatment Techniques for Removal of Pollution from Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) |
The main objective of this work is to identify more sustainable water treatment options for removal of PPCPs in Europe. |
 | Assessing the Sustainability of Current and Future Electricity Options for Turkey |
This project aims to assess the life cycle sustainability of the current and future electricity sector in Turkey up to 2050. |
 | Sustainable Consumption and Production of Convenience Food: Ready-Made Meals |
The aim of this research is to develop a methodology for assessing the sustainability of different production and consumption patterns in the food industry, focusing on the ready-made meals sector. |
 | Bridging the Urban and Rural Divide: Sustainable Utilisation of Biomass and Waste for Energy Provision in Cities |
This project looks into how biomass from rural areas, such as energy crops and agricultural waste, could provide sustainable energy to cities. |
 | Energy from Microgeneration: Sustainability and Perceptions in the UK |
This research investigates barriers to achieving micro-generation installation targets in the UK and opportunities for overcoming them. |
 | Sustainable Energy Supply in the UK Residential Sector: Balancing Environmental Impacts, Security of Supply and Socio-Economic Benefits |
The aim of this research is to assess the sustainability of energy supply in the UK residential sector and understand better any trade-offs between different dimensions of sustainability. |
 | Life Cycle Environmental and Economic Sustainability Assessment of Micro-Generation Technologies in the UK Domestic Sector |
This work involves assessing the sustainability of the current and future micro-generation options in terms of their life cycle environmental, economic and social impacts. |
 | Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment in the UK Beverage Sector |
This research has involved environmental, economic and social sustainability in the UK drinks sector. The beverages considered are water, fizzy drinks, beer, wine and whisky. |
 | Sustainability Assessment Framework for the Residential Construction Sector in the UK |
Taking a life cycle approach, this work provides a comprehensive sustainability assessment of the construction sector with the focus on residential buildings. |
 | Evaluation of the Sustainability of Controlling Diffuse Water Pollution in Urban Areas on a Life Cycle Basis |
This research has evaluated the life cycle sustainability of different structural options for controlling diffuse water pollution in developing countries, with Mexico city used as a case study |
 | A Participatory Design Framework: Incorporating Public Views Into the Design of Nuclear Power Plants |
This multidisciplinary research involves combining aspects of nuclear engineering, sociology and psychology to gain a deeper understanding of the disparity between expertly calculated risk and the perception of risk by the lay-public. |
 | Sustainability Assessment of Integrated Bio-refineries |
This study provides an assessment of economic, environmental and social implications of integrated bio-refineries along the supply chains. |
 | Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Electricity Generation: A Methodology and an Application in the UK Context |
This study has developed sustainability indicators by which the environmental, techno-economic and social impacts of electricity generation can be measured. Scenarios up to 2070 have been developed to assess the sustainability of future electricity mix in the UK. |
 | Sustainability Assessment of Nuclear Power in the UK Using an Integrated Multi-Criteria Decision-Support Framework |
This study has looked into the sustainability of nuclear power relative to other electricity options in an integrated UK electricity system with particular focus on sustainability priorities for different stakeholders. |
 | Sustainability Assessment of Electricity Options for Mexico: Current Situation and Future Scenarios |
This study has involved life cycle sustainability assessment of current and future electricity sector in Mexico. Scenario and multi-criteria decision analyses have been used to identify sustainable electricity pathways up to 2050. |