Project Leader: Professor Adisa Azapagic
Project Duration: June 2008 - November 2011.
Funding Value: £2.3m.
Funding Source: EPSRC SUE2 (Sustainable Urban Environment 2) Programme
Project Partners:
The aim of the PUrE Intrawise consortium is to develop an integrated decision-support framework for more sustainable management of indoor pollution associated with the provision, conservation and use of energy in buildings. The framework will be applied to a number of case studies that will compare environmental, health and economic implications of the principal options for future home energy provision as an aid to policy development.
PUrE Intrawise builds on the PUrE project. While PUrE focused on outdoor pollution, PUrE Intrawise is concerned with indoor pollution. Its main aim is to develop an integrated decision-support framework for more sustainable management of indoor pollution associated with the provision, conservation and use of energy in buildings.
The main deliverables from the PUrE Intrawise project will be:
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The primary contact for this project is Professor Adisa Azapagic.
All group members involved in this project: